
April Showers Swiss from April 4 - April 18

Apr 4-18 2011 April Showers Swiss
3-SS. 40/90, SD/60.
Hackettstown Community Cntr., 293 Main St. (Rte. 46), Hackettstown, NJ 07840.
EF: $12.
Prizes (b/16): $60/30/20, $20 each U1800, U1500.
Reg.: 7 pm 4/4. Rds.: 7:30 pm, each Monday.
INFO: ericmark4@gmail.com.


Lincoln Memorial Quads Results

Stephen Hrop won the Lincoln Memorial Quads.

The Swiss section saw a rematch of February Freeze Your Buns Swiss last round clash between Steve Ferrero and Mike Laverty. Steve Ferrero prevailed this time to capture first place.

Solution to Open File Tactics

30. Rxg7+ Kxg7 
31. Qh6+ Kf7
32. Qe6+ Kg7  
33. Rg1+ Kh7 
34 Qh6#


Open File Tactics

                                                                 Depalma, Angelo
Joseph, Paul

White to Move. Mate in 6.

Global Warming Swiss

Mar 7 - 27, 2011 Global Warming Swiss 4-SS. 40/90, SD/60. Hackettstown Comm. Cntr., 293 Main St. (Rte. 46), Hackettstown, NJ 07840. EF: $12. Prizes (b/16): $60/30/20, $20 each U1800, U1500. Reg.: 7 pm 3/6. Rds.: 7:30 pm, each Monday. INFO: ericmark4@gmail.com.

Solution to Freezing Tactics


The sudden Knight jump in the middle of White's army creates pandemonium. A surprising deflection sacrifice that makes the rook sac possible. The immediate Rook sac does not work

 (1. ... Rxa3 2. Kxa3  Ra8+ 3. Ba4 Qc5+ Qb4, etc)

2. Qxe2 Otherwise Nc3+ is deadly.
Rxa3+ 3. Ba4 Qc3+ 4. Ka2 Rxa4+ 5. Kb1 Ra1 mate