
Pawn Power in Chess

Back when I played online Chess before I quit cold turkey, my Blitz handle was Deja Vudoo as a nod to the fact that magic in Chess often relies on patterns "previously seen" or pattern recognition to be more precise. This positon will bring an eerie sense of  Deja Vu to the readers of this blog.

 Depalma A.

Joseph, P.

Find the winning continuation for Black.

June 6, 13, 20 June is Busting Out Again Quad/Swiss

June 6, 13, 20 June is Busting Out Again Quads/Swiss
Quad or 3-SS, depending on entries. 40/90, SD/60.
EF: $12.  Prizes $35 top in quad or $60/30/20, $20 each U1800, U1500 (b/16).
Reg: 7 pm. Rds: 7:30 pm each Monday.


One Game from the April Showers Swiss


22. Bxg6 Rf8

Eric suggested giving up the Queen for two minor pieces but with White's space advantage the Queen is free to roam and pick up more pawns.
(22... fxg6 23. Re6 Qxe6 24. dxe6 Rf8 25. f4 Rf6 26. Qd4  Raf8 27. b4 Rc8 28. Re1 Ba6 29. Rc1 Kh7 30. c5 Bb5 31. Qd5 Bc6 32. Qb3 dxc5 33.  bxc5 Be8 34. Rc2 Rxc5 35. Rxc5 bxc5 36. Qb8)

23. Bf5 Qc7 24. Qd4+ Kg8 25. Qh4 e6 26. dxe6 fxe6 27. Bxe6+ Kg7 28. Bd5 Rf6 29. Rae1 Bxd5 30. Re7+ Qxe7 31.Rxe7+ Bf7 32. Qd4 Rf8 33. Rxa7 1-0


April Showers Tactics

                                                                          Ferrero S.
Buschgans, R.
Whtie To Play with a decisive advantage