
August 1, 8, 16, 23 Hackettstown International Swiss

4-SS. 40/90, SD/60.
Entry Fee: $14.
Prizes (b/16): $75/$40/25, $20 each U1800, U1500. Reg: 7 pm 8/1. Rds. 7:30 pm each Monday.
GM norms unlikely. Half-point byes available all rds (rd 4 must commit before rd.3). angelodp@gmail.com

Bust Your Prawn Swiss Result

Steve Ferrero and Isara Thanakit tied for 1st place in the July Bust your Prawn Swiss. Our next Monthly tournament is the Hackettstown International Swiss which starts on Monday, August 1st.


Intergalactic Quick Chess Results

Karl Dehmelt and Charles Pole tied for first place. Charles Miller took 2nd place prize. Numerous class prizes were awarded.

The Bust your Prawn Quads or Swiss based on turnout starts July 11. You can check our complete tournament listings here


July 11, 18, 25 Bust Your Prawn Quad/Swiss

Quad or 3-SS, depending on entries. 40/90, SD/60.
Entry Fee: $12.
Prizes $35 (b/16) top in quad or $60/30/20, $20 each U1800, U1500.
Reg: 7 pm 7/11. Rds: 7:30 pm each Monday. angelodp@gmail.com.

The Hackettstown Chess Club is closed on July 4 and all major holidays.