
Rapid Chess on October 31

The Hackettstown Chess Club is holding an impromptu 3 rounds G/29 Rapid Chess tournament on October 31st. Entry fee is $5. Prizes will be based on number of entries.


Chess Amateur vs Master

It is very hard to say who is the Chess Master in this evergreen played on ICC by HCC member Angelo Depalma  against International Master Francisco Sanchez-Guirado of Spain.


Oct 3, 10, 17, 24 Hail to Thee, Blight Spirit Swiss

4-SS. 40/90, SD/60. Entry Fee: $12.
Prizes (b/16): $75/40/25, U1800 $25, free entry top U1500.
Reg.: 7 pm 10/3. Rds.: 7:30 pm each Monday. angelodp@gmail.com.

Spam 'n' Swiss Results

Steve Ferrero won clear first. Rich Buschgans took 2nd place.

Our next event Hail to Thee Swiss starts October 3.