
MayFlower Swiss Results

The MayFlower Swiss ended in a tie for 1st place between Paul Joseph and the Club's young Lions Cameron A. Hill and Tim Daudelin.

Cameron Ashton Hill is fast approaching 1800 after tying for 2nd Place at the NJ Junior Open. I commented below on a tough 1st round win against Cameron.

Position after 17 ... Rce8

Here I lost my cool after seeing a mate after 18. Nd5 BxNd5 19. exd5 Re1 mate, but I had to focus on my own mating threats after the correct
18. h6 RxNe7 19. hxg7+ Kxg7 20. g5 Rd7 21. Bxf6+ Kg8 22. Rxh7 KxRh7 23. Rh2+ Kg8 24. Rh8 mate


May 7-21 2012 Mayflower Quads

3-SS 30/90, SD/30
Hackettstown Community Ctr., 293 Main St. (Rte. 46), Hackettstown, NJ 07840.
Entry Fee: $12.
Prizes $35 top in quad or based on 16 entries $75/40/25, U1800 $25.
Reg.: 7 pm, May 7. Rds.: 7:30 pm, each Monday.

April Shower Swiss Results

The April Shower Swiss was filled with the kind of upsets and reversal of fortune that make amateur chess so exciting. It ended up in a three-way tie for 1st place between Rich Buschgans, Paul Joseph and Mike Laverty after the smoke cleared in the last round.

Black to Play and Draw

                                                                             Hill, C
Joseph, P
Black to Play and Draw

White just played Rf4 to f2 and managed to win a drawn ending.

Global Warming Swiss Results

Tom Ostrosky was the sole winner of the Global Warming Swiss.