Freeze Your Buns Swiss
Jan 3 - 31, 2011 Freeze Your Buns Swiss
5-SS. 40/90, SD/60 or 40/90, SD/30, inc-30 by agreement.
Hackettstown Community Center, 293 Main St. (Rte. 46), Hackettstown, NJ.
EF: $12. Prizes (b/16): $60/30/20, $20 each U1800, U1500.
Reg.: 7 pm 1/3. Rds.: 7:30 pm, each Monday.
INFO: ericmark4@gmail.com.
Ho Ho Ho Swiss Results
Steve Hrop won the December Swiss, with 2.5 out of 3. Steve made good his return to Monday-night chess following a 10-year hiatus with a tough last-round win against Steve Ferrero, in a marathon that ended in a tactical ending at 12:30 a.m.
Mr. Ferrero and Tom Ostrosky tied for second, while Todd Jobson and Jon Svendsen tied for the Under-1800 prize.
You view the complete tournament crosstable here
November Tourney Results
You must take your opponent in a deep dark forest where 2+2=5 and the path leading out is only wide enough for one. - Mikhail Tal
Mark, E
Joseph, P
Black to Play and win
Eric Mark won the November Oh! No Not Another Swiss tournament.
Karl Dehmelt won the Only the Lonely G/10 Quick tournament.
In our 2nd round encounter Eric and I continued our theoretical dispute in the Riga variation of the Spanish opening.
Joseph,Paul - Mark,Eric [C80]
1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bb5 a6 4.Ba4 Nf6 5.0–0 Nxe4 6.d4 exd4 7.Re1 d5
This move is a novelty. The move has some merit as I was trying to prevent the Queen's jump to h4 to join in a King side attack.
The main line 8.Nxd4 Bd6 9.Nxc6 Bxh2+ 10.Kh1 Qh4 11.Rxe4+ dxe4 12.Qd8+ Qxd8 13.Nxd8+ Kxd8 14.Kxh2 leads to a Queenless middle game
In a previous encounter which I prematurely called my best game, Eric played
8...Be7 9.Bxe7 Kxe7 10.Nxd4 Nxd4 11.Qxd4 Be6 12.c4 c5 13.Qxg7!? Qa5 14.Nc3 Nxc3 15.Rxe6+!
(15.bxc3! A less flashy but objectively better as suggested by NM Dennis Monokroussos. White keeps the advantage without any risk. 15...Qxa4 16.cxd5 Rag8 17.Qe5 Qg4 18.g3 h5 19.dxe6 fxe6 20.Qxc5+ Kf6)
15...Kxe6 16.Re1+ Ne4 17.cxd5+ Kd6 18.Rxe4 Kc7 19.Qxf7+ Kb6 20.d6 Ka7 21.Bc6 Rab8 22.Re7 Qb6 23.Bf3 Qxb2 24.g3 Rhf8 25.Qd5 Ka8 26.Kg2 Qf6 27.Re3 Rfd8 28.d7 Qg 29.Re6! Qg6 30.Rxg6 hxg6 31.Qd6
1–0 Joseph,P-Mark,E/Hackettstown Swiss 2006
9.Bh4 Bc5 10.Bxc6+ bxc6 11.Nxd4 0–0 12.Nxc6 Qd6 13.Nd4
[13.Ne7+ Qxe7 14.Qxd5+ Be6 15.Qxe4 Rfe8 16.Nc3 Rab8 is equal]
13...Qf4 Eric gives 13...Qb6 as equalizing
14.Nf3 c6 15.Nbd2 Bg4 16.Nxe4 dxe4 17.Qd2 Qf5 18.Nd4 Qh5 19.Bg3 Rad8 20.c3 f5 21.h3 Bxh3 22.gxh3 Qxh3 23.Qf4
23.Rad1 to hold on to the pawn gives Black a strong attack after Rf6 24.Qg5 Bxd4 25.cxd4 f4 26.Bxf4 Rg6 27.Qxg6]
23...Bxd4 24.cxd4 Rxd4 25.Rac1 Rfd8 26.Rxc6 Rd1 27.Rc1 R1d2 28.Rc7
I agree with Eric that 28.Bh4 activating the Bishop was best R8d7 29.Rc8+ Kf7 30.Rc3 R2d3 31.Rc5 g6]
28...Rd1 29.Rc1
White is up a piece but there are a lot of pitfalls as this variation shows 29.Qe3 R8d3 30.Qe2 R1d2 31.Qf1 Rxg3+ 32.fxg3 Qh2#
29...R1d2 30.Qc7 Qg4
31.Qe7 [31.b4 h5 32.Qf4 Qxf4 33.Bxf4 Rxa2; 31.Kf1 Rf8]
[32.Rc8! Rxc8 33.Qe6+ Kf8 34.Qxc8+ Kf7 35.Qc4+ Ke8 36.Qxa6 f4 37.Rxe4+]
32...Kh8 33.Rc8 Rdd8 34.Rxd8 Rxd8 35.Qe7
[35.Qxa6 f4 36.Qa5 Rg8 37.Rxe4 Qd1+ 38.Re1 Qg4 39.Qb4 Qh5]
35...Rc8 36.Qd7 Rg8 37.Qe7
[37.b4 Qg5 38.Qf7 h5 39.Kg2 Qg4 40.Rh1 Qf3+ 41.Kg1 Qd1+ 42.Kh2 Qf3 43.Rc1 h4 44.Rh1 hxg3+ 45.Kg1+ Qh5 46.Rxh5#]
37...Rc8 38.Qe6 Rg8 39.Rc1 h6
I noticed Black had a draw by perpetual check after the brute 40 Rc8 Qd1+ 41 Kg2 Qf3+
40.Kf1? Qf3=
I made time control hoping to work out the win. Fritz assesses the position as equal despite my material advantage. May be Fritz really means there is equal opportunity in this position for either side to go wrong. I believe White can convert the advantage by striving to exchange Queen.
41.Kg1 f4 42.Bh2 Rd8
White commits the final blunder faced with stiff resistance.
43.Qxa6? e3! 44.Rf1 e2 45.Re1 Qg4+ 46.Kh1 f3 47.Rg1 e1Q 48.Bg3 Qh3+ 0–1
Dec 6 - 20, 2010 Ho, Ho, Ho Quads
Our next weekly event is the
Dec 6 - 20, 2010 Ho, Ho, Ho Quads
3-SS 40/90, SD/60 or 40/90, G/30, inc-30 by agreement.
Hackettstown Community Center, 293 Main St. (Rte. 46), Hackettstown, NJ. EF: $8; $25 1st each section. Reg.: 7 pm 12/6. Rds.: 7:30 pm each Monday.
INFO: ericmark4@gmail.com.
Solution to Tactical Vision
Joseph Paul
Jeff Chiesa
Black to Move
Black plays Bxf3 to weaken the dark squares. 14.Bxf3 (after gxf3 white can settle for a difficult position 15 Bh4+ Kf1 with weakened dark squares and uncastled King.)
14 ... Nxe5! a sacrifice targeting the unprotected Knight.
15.fxe5 Qxe5+ 16.Kf2 Qxb2 17.Qa4+ Kf8 18.Ke2 Bg5 19.Rad1 a6 20.Rhf1 Qe5+ 21.Be4 Bxd2 22.Rxd2 Nf6 23.Rf3 Nxe4 24.dxe4 Qxe4+ 25.Re3 Qxg2+ 0–1
15.fxe5 Qxe5+ 16.Kf2 Qxb2 17.Qa4+ Kf8 18.Ke2 Bg5 19.Rad1 a6 20.Rhf1 Qe5+ 21.Be4 Bxd2 22.Rxd2 Nf6 23.Rf3 Nxe4 24.dxe4 Qxe4+ 25.Re3 Qxg2+ 0–1
October HCC Tourney Results
Angelo Depalma earned an Expert Rating by tying for First with Tom Otrosky in the Good Bye Summer Swiss.
Eric Marc and Larry Noone tied for 1st in the club first G/40 one night event. We return to our First Monday Monthly Swiss tournament in November. You can check out here the TLA's for our next event Oh No Not Another Swiss.
It's Cool Again G/40 Quad
Oct. 25 It's Cool Again G/40 Quad
3-RR, G/40. Sections by rating. Hackettstown Community Center, 293 Main St., (Rte. 46), Hackettstown, NJ. EF: $10. Prize: $25 top in each section. Reg.: 6:30-7:00 pm, Monday, Oct. 25. Rds.: 7:00 pm, ASAP thereafter. Info: ericmark4@gmail.com, 570-872-6880.
Quick Chess Month Wrap Up
Richard Blank won the Strousburgundian Invasion Quick G/10 and Rich Buschgans won the Lights Out Quicker G/7 to wrap up a month of Quick Chess.
We return to regular Chess in October with our Good Bye Summer Swiss. Click here for our complete TLAs of upcoming tournaments.
Fairfarren Dennis
I found this game in my Chess Life archives that was originally published in the October 1993 issue where Dennis as the US Amateur East Champion faced off the US Amateur West Champion David Mathys for the US Amateur title. In a pre internet era the moves of the G/60 playoff were relayed over the phone.
Dennis came back from being an exchange down to claim the title by accepting a draw offer with not enough time left on his clock to convert a winning position. I posted the original game with analysis provided by Dennis Dawley and David Mathys.
Mathys, David - Dawley, Dennis [A59]
US Amateur Playoff, 1993
1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 c5 3.d5 b5 4.cxb5 a6 5.bxa6 g6 6.Nc3 Bxa6 7.e4 Bxf1 8.Kxf1 d6
9.g4 A move favored by Yasser Seirawan.
9...Qc8 10.h3
[10.g5 Nh5 11.Kg2 Bg7] (Dawley)
10...Bg7 11.Kg2 h5
[11...0–0 12.Nge2 Na6 13.Be3 Qb7 14.Qd2 Nc7 15.f3 Rfb8 16.b3 Nb5 17.Rac1 Seirawan-Gurevich, New York Open 1987]
12.g5 Nfd7 13.Nf3 Na6 14.Bf4 Rb8 15.Rb1 0–0 16.Re1 Qc7 17.Qe2 Qa5
Dennis took a 20 minutes think here trying to stop e5 which lead to his time trouble later on.
18.e5 Rb4 19.Bd2 Nxe5 20.Nxe5 Bxe5
Dennis has 15 minutes remaining and Mathys 34 minutes.
21.Ne4 Qxa2 22.Bxb4
[22.Ra1 Qxd5 23.Rxa6 Rxe4 24.Qxe4 Qxd2 25.h4 Qxb2] (Dawley)
22...Nxb4 23.Nxc5 Nxd5 eyeing f4. 24.Nd3 Qc4 25.Kf1
[25.Qe4 Qxd3 26.Qxd3 Nf4+ 27.Kf1 Nxd3] (Mathys)
25...Nf4 26.Nxf4 Qxf4 27.Qe3 Qc4+
Dennis had a minute left to White's 13 minutes.
28.Kg1 e6 29.Qe4 Qb3 30.Qe3?
[30.Re3 Qb5 31.b4 and the passed pawn gets rolling.] (Mathys)
Dennis has less than a minute on his clock and David has 11 minutes.
31.Qxb3 Rxb3 32.Re2 Bf4
[32...Rxh3? 33.b4 Bf4 34.b5 Bxg5 35.b6 Bf4 36.b7 d5 37.b8Q+ Bxb8 38.Rxb8+] (Dawley)
33.h4 d5 34.Kg2 Kf8 35.Ra1 d4 36.Re4 e5 37.Rxf4? exf4 38.Rd1 d3 39.Rd2 Ke7 40.Kf3
White is hoping to win on time as Dennis only had 20 seconds left.
40...Ke6 41.Kxf4 Rb4+ 42.Ke3 Rxh4
Now Dennis has a passer as well.
43.Rxd3 Rb4
Black is now better but Dennis only has a few seconds left on his clock.
44.b3 Kf5 45.Rd5+ Kg4 46.Rd4+? Rxd4 47.Kxd4
Black will queen first but Dennis accepts the draw offer as he has no time left to convert the advantage. ½–½
You can replay the game in the game viewer below. Click the down arrow in the notation window to select a variation to play in the viewer or A to see comments.
Upcoming Tournaments
Sept. 20 Stroudsburgundian Invasion G/10 (QC)
5-SS. G/10. Hackettstown Community Center, 293 Main St. (Rte. 46), Hackettstown, NJ. EF: $7. Prizes (b/16): $40/20/10, $10 each U1800, U1500. Reg.: 7 pm, Rds.: 7:30, ASAP. INFO: Eric Mark, (570) 872-6880, ericmark4@gmail.com.
Oct. 4, 11, 18 Goodbye Summer Swiss
3-SS, 40/90, SD/60. Hackettstown Community Center, 293 Main St., (Rte. 46), Hackettstown, NJ. EF: $12. Prizes (b/16): $60/40/20; $20 each U1800, U1500. Reg.: 7-7:30 p.m. Oct. 4. Rds.: 7:30 p.m. each Monday. Half-point byes available any round; last-round bye must be requested with entry. INFO: Eric Mark, 570-872-6880, ericmark4@gmail.com
Oct. 25 It's Cool Again G/40 Quad
3-RR, G/40. Sections by rating. Hackettstown Community Center, 293 Main St., (Rte. 46), Hackettstown, NJ. EF: $10. Prize: $25 top in each section. Reg.: 6:30-7:00 pm, Monday, Oct. 25. Rds.: 7:00 pm, ASAP thereafter. Info: ericmark4@gmail.com, 570-872-6880.
Nov 1 - 22 Oh No, Not Another Swiss!
4-SS, 40/90, SD/60. Hackettstown Community Cntr, 293 Main St (Rte. 46), Hackettstown, NJ.
EF: $12. Prizes (b/16): $60/40/20; $25 U1800, $15 U1500. Reg.: 7-7:30 pm Nov. 1.
Rds.: 7:30 pm each Monday. Half-point byes available any round; last-round bye must be requested with entry. INFO: Eric Mark, 570-872-6880; ericmark4@gmail.com
Nov 29, 2010 Need for Speed G/10 (QC)
5-SS G/10. Hackettstown Community Center, 293 Main St (Rte 46) Hackettstown, NJ.
EF: $7. Prizes (b/16): $35/20/10, $10 each U1800, U1500. $2 entry RR or SS G/5 tournament to follow; 50%, 30%, 20% of EFs to places 1-3. Reg.: 7 pm. Rds.: 7:30, ASAP.
INFO: Eric Mark, (570) 872-6880; ericmark4@gmail.com
Dec 6 - 20, 2010 Ho, Ho, Ho Quads
3-SS 40/90, SD/60 or 40/90, G/30, inc-30 by agreement.
Hackettstown Community Center, 293 Main St. (Rte. 46), Hackettstown, NJ.
EF: $8; $25 1st each section. Reg.: 7 pm 12/6. Rds.: 7:30 pm each Monday.
INFO: ericmark4@gmail.com.
5-SS. G/10. Hackettstown Community Center, 293 Main St. (Rte. 46), Hackettstown, NJ. EF: $7. Prizes (b/16): $40/20/10, $10 each U1800, U1500. Reg.: 7 pm, Rds.: 7:30, ASAP. INFO: Eric Mark, (570) 872-6880, ericmark4@gmail.com.
Oct. 4, 11, 18 Goodbye Summer Swiss
3-SS, 40/90, SD/60. Hackettstown Community Center, 293 Main St., (Rte. 46), Hackettstown, NJ. EF: $12. Prizes (b/16): $60/40/20; $20 each U1800, U1500. Reg.: 7-7:30 p.m. Oct. 4. Rds.: 7:30 p.m. each Monday. Half-point byes available any round; last-round bye must be requested with entry. INFO: Eric Mark, 570-872-6880, ericmark4@gmail.com
Oct. 25 It's Cool Again G/40 Quad
3-RR, G/40. Sections by rating. Hackettstown Community Center, 293 Main St., (Rte. 46), Hackettstown, NJ. EF: $10. Prize: $25 top in each section. Reg.: 6:30-7:00 pm, Monday, Oct. 25. Rds.: 7:00 pm, ASAP thereafter. Info: ericmark4@gmail.com, 570-872-6880.
Nov 1 - 22 Oh No, Not Another Swiss!
4-SS, 40/90, SD/60. Hackettstown Community Cntr, 293 Main St (Rte. 46), Hackettstown, NJ.
EF: $12. Prizes (b/16): $60/40/20; $25 U1800, $15 U1500. Reg.: 7-7:30 pm Nov. 1.
Rds.: 7:30 pm each Monday. Half-point byes available any round; last-round bye must be requested with entry. INFO: Eric Mark, 570-872-6880; ericmark4@gmail.com
Nov 29, 2010 Need for Speed G/10 (QC)
5-SS G/10. Hackettstown Community Center, 293 Main St (Rte 46) Hackettstown, NJ.
EF: $7. Prizes (b/16): $35/20/10, $10 each U1800, U1500. $2 entry RR or SS G/5 tournament to follow; 50%, 30%, 20% of EFs to places 1-3. Reg.: 7 pm. Rds.: 7:30, ASAP.
INFO: Eric Mark, (570) 872-6880; ericmark4@gmail.com
Dec 6 - 20, 2010 Ho, Ho, Ho Quads
3-SS 40/90, SD/60 or 40/90, G/30, inc-30 by agreement.
Hackettstown Community Center, 293 Main St. (Rte. 46), Hackettstown, NJ.
EF: $8; $25 1st each section. Reg.: 7 pm 12/6. Rds.: 7:30 pm each Monday.
INFO: ericmark4@gmail.com.
Quick Chess Tournament Results
Thomas Polese won the "I Hate Labor Day" Quick Chess G/29 tournament.
We are holding a Quick Chess 5-SS G/10 tournament on September 20. See our updated tournament schedule for details.
Quick Chess Nite
Quick Chess Nite is back on September 13 with 3 rounds G/29.
Sept. 13 I Hate Labor Day Quad/Swiss (QC)
3-SS or quads, depending on entries. G/29. Hackettstown Community Center, 293 Main St. (Rte. 46), Hackettstown, NJ. EF: $8. Prizes (b/16): $50/25/10, $10 each U1800, U1500. If quad, $25 1st each section. Reg.: 7 p.m. Rds.: 7:30 pm, then ASAP. INFO: Eric Mark, (570) 872-6880, ericmark4@gmail.com.
August First Monday Swiss Results
Angelo DePalma and Steve Ferrero tied for first place in the August First Monday Swiss, both undefeated, with 4/5 each.
Tom Ostrosky finished third; Justin Roach won the Under-1800 prize, while U-1400 honors went to Shohei Ogawa. We welcomed a new player tonight: Robert Lacatena, of Centenary College, joined the tournament just in time for the last round.
The club will be closed next week for the Labor Day holiday.
In September we will take a break from the regular grind, with two Quick Chess events, on Sept. 13 and Sept. 20, followed by an open house on Sept. 27.
Upcoming Tournaments
The chess club will be closed for Labor Day on September 6.
Sept. 13 I Hate Labor Day Quad/Swiss (QC)3-SS or quads, depending on entries. G/29. Hackettstown Community Center, 293 Main St. (Rte. 46), Hackettstown, NJ. EF: $8. Prizes (b/16): $50/25/10, $10 each U1800, U1500. If quad, $25 1st each section. Reg.: 7 p.m. Rds.: 7:30 pm, then ASAP. INFO: Eric Mark, (570) 872-6880, ericmark4@gmail.com.
Sept. 20 Stroudsburgundian Invasion G/10 (QC)
5-SS. G/10. Hackettstown Community Center, 293 Main St. (Rte. 46), Hackettstown, NJ. EF: $7. Prizes (b/16): $40/20/10, $10 each U1800, U1500. Reg.: 7 pm, Rds.: 7:30, ASAP. INFO: Eric Mark, (570) 872-6880, ericmark4@gmail.com.
Solution to Summer Doldrum Tactics

27. ... dxc3
(The Fritzier 27 ... Nd6! suggested by Eric Mark is slightly stronger )
( 28. b3 Nd6! transposes 29. Bd2 Nxe4 30. dxe4 Bxe4 31. Qf2 c2 32. Rc1 Bb2)
28. ... Bxc3! 29. Ba3 Bxa1 30 Rxa1 Bxe4 31. dxe4 Qxe4 with the initiative.
Summer Doldrum Tactics
Rich Buschgans won the Summer Doldrum Swiss. Angelo Depalma and Paul Joseph tied for 2nd place. Other prize winners were Justin Roach (U1800) and Jon Svendsen (U1400).
The August First Monday Swiss is underway but you can still enter on Monday before 7:30 PM with a 1st round bye.
Until Monday you can warm up by solving a position from the the Summer Doldrum tournament. Black (from the bottom) played dxc3. Find the winning move for Black after White replied bxc3.
Joseph, P.

Depalma, A.
Our next First Monday tournament is a 5 rounds swiss which starts on August 2. Half-point byes are available for any round. See the complete TLA below.
Aug. 2-30 First Monday Swiss
5-SS, 40/90, SD/60. Hackettstown Community Center, 293 Main St., (Rte. 46), Hackettstown, NJ. EF: $12. Prizes (b/16): $60/40/20. For prize purposes U1800 players will be divided by rating into two groups, with $25, $15 awarded to top in higher, lower group respectively. Reg.: 7-7:30 p.m. Aug. 2. Rds.: 7:30 p.m. each Monday. Half-point byes available any round; last-round bye must be requested with entry. ENT: Eric Mark, 609 Thomas St., Stroudsburg, PA 18360 ericmark4@gmail.com
Aug. 2-30 First Monday Swiss
5-SS, 40/90, SD/60. Hackettstown Community Center, 293 Main St., (Rte. 46), Hackettstown, NJ. EF: $12. Prizes (b/16): $60/40/20. For prize purposes U1800 players will be divided by rating into two groups, with $25, $15 awarded to top in higher, lower group respectively. Reg.: 7-7:30 p.m. Aug. 2. Rds.: 7:30 p.m. each Monday. Half-point byes available any round; last-round bye must be requested with entry. ENT: Eric Mark, 609 Thomas St., Stroudsburg, PA 18360 ericmark4@gmail.com
June Swiss Results
Angelo Depalma prevailed against Dennis Dawley in their last round encounter to win the June Swiss with a perfect score. Rich Buschgans took 2nd place. Click here for the complete tournament crosstable.
Our next event is the Summer Doldrum Quads which starts on Monday July 12.
Our next event is the Summer Doldrum Quads which starts on Monday July 12.
Summer Doldrum Quads
The Summer Doldrum Quad starts on July 12. The club will be closed on July 5 for the Independence Day Holiday.
July 12, 19, 26. Summer Doldrums Quads 3-RR 40/90, SD/60. Sections by rating. Hackettstown Community Center, 293 Main St., (Rte. 46), Hackettstown, NJ. EF: $10. Prize: $25 top in each section. Reg.: 7-7:30 p.m., Monday, July 12. Rds.: 7:30 pm. Info: ericmark4@gmail.com, 570-872-6880. NS, NC.
July 12, 19, 26. Summer Doldrums Quads 3-RR 40/90, SD/60. Sections by rating. Hackettstown Community Center, 293 Main St., (Rte. 46), Hackettstown, NJ. EF: $10. Prize: $25 top in each section. Reg.: 7-7:30 p.m., Monday, July 12. Rds.: 7:30 pm. Info: ericmark4@gmail.com, 570-872-6880. NS, NC.
Isara Thanakit Wins May Mayhem Quick Chess
Isara Thanakit won the May Mayhem G/10 Quick Chess Tournament. William Bybel and Steve Ferrero tied for 2nd place.
Our next event is the June is Busting Out All Over Swiss on June 7. Here's the TLA:
4-SS, 40/90, SD/60. Hackettstown Community Center, 293 Main St., (Rte. 46), Hackettstown, NJ (convenient to northern, western, southern NJ and eastern PA). EF: $12. Prizes (b/16): $60/40/20, $25 each U1800, U1400. Reg.: 7-7:30 p.m. Rds.: 7:30 p.m. each Monday. Half-point byes available for any round; last-round bye must be requested with entry. ENT: Eric Mark, 609 Thomas St., Stroudsburg, PA 18360 ericmark4@yahoo.com. Chess Magnet School JGP.
Our next event is the June is Busting Out All Over Swiss on June 7. Here's the TLA:
4-SS, 40/90, SD/60. Hackettstown Community Center, 293 Main St., (Rte. 46), Hackettstown, NJ (convenient to northern, western, southern NJ and eastern PA). EF: $12. Prizes (b/16): $60/40/20, $25 each U1800, U1400. Reg.: 7-7:30 p.m. Rds.: 7:30 p.m. each Monday. Half-point byes available for any round; last-round bye must be requested with entry. ENT: Eric Mark, 609 Thomas St., Stroudsburg, PA 18360 ericmark4@yahoo.com. Chess Magnet School JGP.
May Mayhem Quads Results
Steve Ferrero won the May Mayhem Quads and Al Walters won first place in the side Swiss event. Our TD Dennis Dawley provided the last round report.
In the quad, winning the toss did not bring much luck as White had their hands full on Monday night. In the Buschgans-Ostrosky game, Tom used an excellent tactical shot to win a pawn and leave Rich with an almost undefendable pawn structure and an exposed King. Rich however used Tom's equally precarious King position and back rank mate threats to stay in the game for another hour before Tom was able to protect his back rank, reposition his pieces and force the win. DePalma-Ferrero saw Angelo sacking one pawn, then another, but Steve defended accurately and Angelo had to take the draw.
In the Swis, Schlotzhauer-Walters was for first place. Bob was pressing during the opening and Al was just trying to hold on, then Bob opened the f-file and lost control of it, Al used the center, obtained a passed pawn and broke through to win a piece. The rest was mopping up.
Congratulations to the two champions, Steve Ferrero and Al Walters. Both played well throughout the tournament. Steve was never in any real difficulty, Al overcame a bad position in the Vinson game, and then played quite well in the last two rounds.
Click here for the complete tournament crosstable
In the quad, winning the toss did not bring much luck as White had their hands full on Monday night. In the Buschgans-Ostrosky game, Tom used an excellent tactical shot to win a pawn and leave Rich with an almost undefendable pawn structure and an exposed King. Rich however used Tom's equally precarious King position and back rank mate threats to stay in the game for another hour before Tom was able to protect his back rank, reposition his pieces and force the win. DePalma-Ferrero saw Angelo sacking one pawn, then another, but Steve defended accurately and Angelo had to take the draw.
In the Swis, Schlotzhauer-Walters was for first place. Bob was pressing during the opening and Al was just trying to hold on, then Bob opened the f-file and lost control of it, Al used the center, obtained a passed pawn and broke through to win a piece. The rest was mopping up.
Congratulations to the two champions, Steve Ferrero and Al Walters. Both played well throughout the tournament. Steve was never in any real difficulty, Al overcame a bad position in the Vinson game, and then played quite well in the last two rounds.
Click here for the complete tournament crosstable
Upcoming Tournaments
May 24 May Mayhem G/10 (QC)
5-SS, G/10. Hackettstown Community Center, 293 Main St., (Rte. 46), Hackettstown, NJ. EF: $6. Prizes (b/20): 1st $40, 2nd $30; $20 each to 3rd, U1800, U1400. Reg.: 7-7:30 pm. Rds.: 7:30 pm, then ASAP. Info: ericmark4@gmail.com, 570-872-6880. NS, NC.
4-SS, 40/90, SD/60. Hackettstown Community Center, 293 Main St., (Rte. 46), Hackettstown, NJ (convenient to northern, western, southern NJ and eastern PA). EF: $12. Prizes (b/16): $60/40/20, $25 each U1800, U1400. Reg.: 7-7:30 p.m. Rds.: 7:30 p.m. each Monday. Half-point byes available for any round; last-round bye must be requested with entry. ENT: Eric Mark, 609 Thomas St., Stroudsburg, PA 18360 ericmark4@gmail.com. Chess Magnet School JGP.
July 12, 19, 26. Summer Doldrums Quads
3-RR 40/90, SD/60. Sections by rating. Hackettstown Community Center,
293 Main St., (Rte. 46), Hackettstown, NJ. EF: $10. Prize: $25 top in each section. Reg.: 7-7:30 p.m., Monday, July 12. Rds.: 7:30 pm. Info:
ericmark4@gmail.com, 570-872-6880. NS, NC.
Aug. 2-30 First Monday Swiss
5-SS, 40/90, SD/60. Hackettstown Community Center, 293 Main St., (Rte.
46), Hackettstown, NJ EF: $12. Prizes (b/16) $60/40/20. For prize purposes U1800 players will be divided by rating into two groups, with $25, $15 awarded to top in higher, lower group respectively. Reg.:
7-7:30 p.m. Aug. 2. Rds.: 7:30 p.m. each Monday. Half-point byes available any round; last-round bye must be requested with entry. ENT:
Eric Mark, 609 Thomas St., Stroudsburg, PA 18360 ericmark4@gmail.com.
5-SS, G/10. Hackettstown Community Center, 293 Main St., (Rte. 46), Hackettstown, NJ. EF: $6. Prizes (b/20): 1st $40, 2nd $30; $20 each to 3rd, U1800, U1400. Reg.: 7-7:30 pm. Rds.: 7:30 pm, then ASAP. Info: ericmark4@gmail.com, 570-872-6880. NS, NC.
4-SS, 40/90, SD/60. Hackettstown Community Center, 293 Main St., (Rte. 46), Hackettstown, NJ (convenient to northern, western, southern NJ and eastern PA). EF: $12. Prizes (b/16): $60/40/20, $25 each U1800, U1400. Reg.: 7-7:30 p.m. Rds.: 7:30 p.m. each Monday. Half-point byes available for any round; last-round bye must be requested with entry. ENT: Eric Mark, 609 Thomas St., Stroudsburg, PA 18360 ericmark4@gmail.com. Chess Magnet School JGP.
July 12, 19, 26. Summer Doldrums Quads
3-RR 40/90, SD/60. Sections by rating. Hackettstown Community Center,
293 Main St., (Rte. 46), Hackettstown, NJ. EF: $10. Prize: $25 top in each section. Reg.: 7-7:30 p.m., Monday, July 12. Rds.: 7:30 pm. Info:
ericmark4@gmail.com, 570-872-6880. NS, NC.
Aug. 2-30 First Monday Swiss
5-SS, 40/90, SD/60. Hackettstown Community Center, 293 Main St., (Rte.
46), Hackettstown, NJ EF: $12. Prizes (b/16) $60/40/20. For prize purposes U1800 players will be divided by rating into two groups, with $25, $15 awarded to top in higher, lower group respectively. Reg.:
7-7:30 p.m. Aug. 2. Rds.: 7:30 p.m. each Monday. Half-point byes available any round; last-round bye must be requested with entry. ENT:
Eric Mark, 609 Thomas St., Stroudsburg, PA 18360 ericmark4@gmail.com.
The poisoned Pawn
The last round encounter between Dennis Dawley and Eric Mark was destined to be a short and brutal affair when Eric played the Englund gambit. This gambit should not be confused with the Budapest gambit which Nigel Short used in his candidate match against Karpov. In this line of the Englund Gambit Black neglects central play as well as piece development to go into full attack mode. The Black Queen's expedition reminded me of a game I posted here. Dennis defended calmly, sacrificed the exchange and reeled in the full point for a share of 1st place in the April Swiss.
Here's Dennis analysis that you can replay by clicking the A's in the game viewer.
Here's Dennis analysis that you can replay by clicking the A's in the game viewer.
Two Games from the April Swiss
In the last round of the April Swiss, Angelo played an interesting pawn sac against Ferrero's pet Larsen opening. At first sight it looked like White can grab the pawn safely given that he is about to castle and the position is closed. But the sudden appearance of the rook on the 6th rank signaled trouble for the White King. Once the King fled into the street leaving behind his decimated army there was no doubt that he was to meet his demise in some far away land.
Click a down arrow in the scoresheet to play a variation or click on A to see comments. You can flip the board by clicking the arrows at the bottom of the board.
In our first round game, Eric went for the thematic knight sacrifice in the sicilian, but he clearly missed the intermediate check that provided the king a flight square on f8. I proceeded to play a couple of inaccurate moves which allowed him to grab a third pawn for the Knight. The rest of the game is an instructive example that shows why three connected passed pawns are worth a piece.
Click a down arrow in the scoresheet to play a variation or click on A to see comments. You can flip the board by clicking the arrows at the bottom of the board.
In our first round game, Eric went for the thematic knight sacrifice in the sicilian, but he clearly missed the intermediate check that provided the king a flight square on f8. I proceeded to play a couple of inaccurate moves which allowed him to grab a third pawn for the Knight. The rest of the game is an instructive example that shows why three connected passed pawns are worth a piece.
Dennis and Angelo Share 1st Place
Dennis Dawley and Angelo Depalma share 1st place in the April Swiss. They both prevailed in sharp encounters against Eric Marc and Steve Ferrero respectively. Dennis also achieved an Expert rating for the umpteenth time for his performance.
Tom Otrosky took second place by defeating Jeff Chiesa.
I hope to post some games soon but in the meantime here's a tactical position from the game Al Walters vs Steve Ferrero. White controls the open d file and the Bishop pair x-rays Black's position from opposite side of the board
Steve Ferrero

Al Walters
Black just played Rc8-c6. White went on to lose the game after replying Rd8.
Can you spot the winning combination?
Tom Otrosky took second place by defeating Jeff Chiesa.
I hope to post some games soon but in the meantime here's a tactical position from the game Al Walters vs Steve Ferrero. White controls the open d file and the Bishop pair x-rays Black's position from opposite side of the board
Steve Ferrero

Al Walters
Black just played Rc8-c6. White went on to lose the game after replying Rd8.
Can you spot the winning combination?
May Mayhem Quads
The Hackettstown Chess Club is running a three-week quad beginning on Monday, May 3. The usual quad rules apply. Here's the TLA:
May 3, 10, 17 May Mayhem Quads
3-RR 40/90, SD/60. Sections by rating. Hackettstown Community Center, 293 Main St., (Rte. 46), Hackettstown, NJ. EF: $12. Prize: $40 top in each section. Reg.: 7-7:30 pm. Rds.: 7:30 pm three successive Mondays. Info: ericmark4@yahoo.com, 570-872-6880. NS, NC.
Come on over and make this a super event.
May 3, 10, 17 May Mayhem Quads
3-RR 40/90, SD/60. Sections by rating. Hackettstown Community Center, 293 Main St., (Rte. 46), Hackettstown, NJ. EF: $12. Prize: $40 top in each section. Reg.: 7-7:30 pm. Rds.: 7:30 pm three successive Mondays. Info: ericmark4@yahoo.com, 570-872-6880. NS, NC.
Come on over and make this a super event.
Isara Thanakit Wins Spring Swiss Bliss
Isara Thanakit won the Spring Swiss Bliss with a perfect score.
Paul Joseph came into 2nd place.
You can replay Isara's second round win in the game viewer below.
Paul Joseph came into 2nd place.
You can replay Isara's second round win in the game viewer below.
Spring Swiss Bliss Tactics
Buschgans R.

Thanakit I.
Find the winning move for Black in a position from the recently completed Spring Swiss Bliss. Diagrams shows Black from the bottom.

Thanakit I.
Find the winning move for Black in a position from the recently completed Spring Swiss Bliss. Diagrams shows Black from the bottom.
March 1-29 Spring Swiss Bliss
On March 1 we are changing to Monthly Tournaments. The Spring Swiss Blitz also features a guaranteed first prize.
5-SS, 40/90. Hackettstown Community Center, 293 Main St., (Rte. 46). EF: $15; Under 18 & Over 65, $12. Prizes: $75-$50-$25, U-1800 $30, U-1400 $30, b/20 entries, first prize guaranteed. Reg.: 7-7:30 p.m. on March 1. Rds.: 7:30 p.m. each Monday. Byes: any round, must commit to last-round bye w/entry; must score one half-point OTB to win a prize. ENT: Eric Mark, 609 Thomas St., Stroudsburg, PA 18360; ericmark4@yahoo.com. Checks payable to: Hackettstown Chess Club. NS, NC. WCL JGP.
5-SS, 40/90. Hackettstown Community Center, 293 Main St., (Rte. 46). EF: $15; Under 18 & Over 65, $12. Prizes: $75-$50-$25, U-1800 $30, U-1400 $30, b/20 entries, first prize guaranteed. Reg.: 7-7:30 p.m. on March 1. Rds.: 7:30 p.m. each Monday. Byes: any round, must commit to last-round bye w/entry; must score one half-point OTB to win a prize. ENT: Eric Mark, 609 Thomas St., Stroudsburg, PA 18360; ericmark4@yahoo.com. Checks payable to: Hackettstown Chess Club. NS, NC. WCL JGP.
New Era in Hackettstown Chess
Starting in March, the club will hold a new tournament starting the first Monday of each month. In some cases the tournament will run the entire month---four or five weeks---but we also plan to hold three-round quads and occasional one-night events, such as the thematic tournament earlier this month and the Quick Chess-rated G/10 Swiss on Feb. 22.
The secondary time control is now Sudden Death in 60 minutes, (SD/60). The primary time control remains 40/90.
Cash prizes are also increased along with a guaranteed first prize. You can get information on future tournaments by clicking the picture of the Tournament Calendar at the top of the left pane.
The secondary time control is now Sudden Death in 60 minutes, (SD/60). The primary time control remains 40/90.
Cash prizes are also increased along with a guaranteed first prize. You can get information on future tournaments by clicking the picture of the Tournament Calendar at the top of the left pane.
Larry Noone Wins Quick Fun G/10
Larry Noone won the Quick Fun G/10 tournament. Rich Buschgans and Chris Galliford tied for 2nd place. Click here for the tournament crosstable.
Quick Fun Tournament
Feb. 22 Quick Fun5-SS, G/10. Hackettstown Community Center, 293 Main St., (Rte. 46). EF: $6. Prizes: All EF returned as prizes, 1st prize: 50% of total EF, other prizes based on entries, class prizes possible. Reg.: 7-7:30 p.m. Rds.: 7:30 p.m., then ASAP. Info: ericmark4@yahoo.com NS, NC
Winter Swiss Final Results
Rich Buschgans and Mike Laverty shared 1st place. Click here for the Winter Swiss tournament final standings.
Eric Mark submitted some analysis of his game against the tournament co-winner Mike Laverty.
1.d4 Nf6 2.Nf3 d5 3.c4 dxc4 4.Nc3 c6 5.e4 b5 6.a4?! b4 7.e5 bxc3
8.exf6 cxb2 9.Bxb2 exf6 10.Bxc4 Bb4+ 11.Kf1 0-0 12.Qb3 Na6
13.h4 Qe7 14.h5 Rb8 15.Nh4 Re8 (threat Qe1+ and mates)
16.Kg1 Be1!? 17.Qc2 Nb4
Eric rejected a nice shot here and the game later ended in a draw.

18...Nd3!! (instead of ...Bg4) wins.
19. Qxb8 Bxf2+ 20. Kh2 Qe4 21. Nf3 Qg4 22. Ng1 Nf4 followed by mate.
First point is Black can play 20...Nxb2, since the re-capture 21. Qxb2?? loses to ...Qd6+ and mates.
Even better is 20...Qe4!, threatening mate. If 21. Nf3, then 21...Qg4, or if 21. g3, then 21...Qe2. Black wins.
If White plays 19. Qxd3 instead of taking the Rb8, then simply 19...Rxb2, and f2 falls and Black wins.
Eric Mark submitted some analysis of his game against the tournament co-winner Mike Laverty.
1.d4 Nf6 2.Nf3 d5 3.c4 dxc4 4.Nc3 c6 5.e4 b5 6.a4?! b4 7.e5 bxc3
8.exf6 cxb2 9.Bxb2 exf6 10.Bxc4 Bb4+ 11.Kf1 0-0 12.Qb3 Na6
13.h4 Qe7 14.h5 Rb8 15.Nh4 Re8 (threat Qe1+ and mates)
16.Kg1 Be1!? 17.Qc2 Nb4
Eric rejected a nice shot here and the game later ended in a draw.

18...Nd3!! (instead of ...Bg4) wins.
19. Qxb8 Bxf2+ 20. Kh2 Qe4 21. Nf3 Qg4 22. Ng1 Nf4 followed by mate.
First point is Black can play 20...Nxb2, since the re-capture 21. Qxb2?? loses to ...Qd6+ and mates.
Even better is 20...Qe4!, threatening mate. If 21. Nf3, then 21...Qg4, or if 21. g3, then 21...Qe2. Black wins.
If White plays 19. Qxd3 instead of taking the Rb8, then simply 19...Rxb2, and f2 falls and Black wins.
Winter Swiss Tactics: The Hook and Ladder Trick
Buschgans, R.

Joseph, P
White just captured a pawn on d6. Can you spot the winning combination for Black?
NM Dana Mckenzie in a Chess Lecture video describes this tactical blow as removing the piece holding the ladder (rook) from under the Queen which is commonly referred to as an overloaded piece.
A recent example of the Hook and Ladder trick occurred at the Tal Memorial.

Aronian recaptured the pawn with Qxd3 cxd4. Visualize the position after Aronian continued with exd4
Joseph, P.

McDermott, D.
Black just played Qa2-a6 to stave off White's mating attack. White agreed to a draw after Qd5.
What was the winning continuation for White?

Joseph, P
White just captured a pawn on d6. Can you spot the winning combination for Black?
NM Dana Mckenzie in a Chess Lecture video describes this tactical blow as removing the piece holding the ladder (rook) from under the Queen which is commonly referred to as an overloaded piece.
A recent example of the Hook and Ladder trick occurred at the Tal Memorial.

Aronian recaptured the pawn with Qxd3 cxd4. Visualize the position after Aronian continued with exd4
Joseph, P.

McDermott, D.
Black just played Qa2-a6 to stave off White's mating attack. White agreed to a draw after Qd5.
What was the winning continuation for White?
Fall Team Tournament Results
Dennis Dawley was the top scorer and Larry Cesare took top 2nd board leading their team to 1st place. On board 3 there was a tie between Robert Schlotzhauer and Shohei Ogawa.
Click here for the Tournament crosstable.
Click here for the Tournament crosstable.
Winter Swiss starts January 4
Happy New Year, one and all.
Change will come to Hackettstown Chess Club later this year, but we start things off the old-fashioned way.
The Winter Swiss chess tournament begins on Monday, Jan. 4 at the Community Center on Main Street in beautiful downtown Hackettstown.
It is a five-round Swiss tournament, with rounds at 7:30 p.m. each Monday from Jan. 4 to Feb. 1.
Jan. 4-Feb. 1 Winter Swiss
5-SS, 40/90. Hackettstown Community Center, 293 Main St., (Rte. 46). EF: $10 Small cash prizes, b/entries, to top finishers. Class prizes possible, if entries warrant. Reg.: 7-7:30 p.m. on Jan. 4. Rds.: 7:30 p.m. each Monday. Byes: Half-point byes available for any round; last-round bye must be requested with entry. ENT: Eric Mark, 609 Thomas St., Stroudsburg, PA 18360. ericmark4@yahoo.com.
Change will come to Hackettstown Chess Club later this year, but we start things off the old-fashioned way.
The Winter Swiss chess tournament begins on Monday, Jan. 4 at the Community Center on Main Street in beautiful downtown Hackettstown.
It is a five-round Swiss tournament, with rounds at 7:30 p.m. each Monday from Jan. 4 to Feb. 1.
Jan. 4-Feb. 1 Winter Swiss
5-SS, 40/90. Hackettstown Community Center, 293 Main St., (Rte. 46). EF: $10 Small cash prizes, b/entries, to top finishers. Class prizes possible, if entries warrant. Reg.: 7-7:30 p.m. on Jan. 4. Rds.: 7:30 p.m. each Monday. Byes: Half-point byes available for any round; last-round bye must be requested with entry. ENT: Eric Mark, 609 Thomas St., Stroudsburg, PA 18360. ericmark4@yahoo.com.
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