1. e4 c5 2. Nc3 e6
3. g3 d5
4. exd5 exd5
5. Qe2+ Be6
6. Bg2 Be7
7. Qb5+ Bd7
8. Qd3
The b-pawn was poisoned but White is now winning the d-pawn but at the cost of three tempi. How do I refute this violation of basic opening principles?

8 ... d4
Now I decide to give up the exchange plus a pawn instead of one pawn!
9. Bxb7 Nc6!
A key tempo. The Knight jumps into the fray looking more like a liger than a horse ready for the journey from b8 to a1.
10. Bxa8 Nb4 11. Qf3 Nxc2+ 12. Kd1 Nxa1
Now starts the second phase of operation. The plan is now to rescue the stranded Knight by subjecting White's position to heavy artillery fire.
13. Nd5 Nf6
(Qxa8 Nc7+ wins the Queen.)
14. b3 O-O
My opponent pointed after the game that I could win his Queen with Bg4. But this is a common mistake as Nxf6+ wins the Bishop.
15. Nxf6+ Bxf6
16. Be4 Qc8
After Bb2 his Bishop would be hanging. I am threatening to win his Queen now.
17. h3 Qa6
I take aim at the King threatening mate.
18. Qd3 Qxa2
The Knight is rescued. Mission accomplished.
19. Bxh7+ Kh8
20. Ne2 Be6
21. Be4 Bxb3+
22. Ke1 Bc2
I transposed into a winning ending and put an end to all White's hope of a quick mate with Qf3 and Qh5+.
23. Qf3 Bxe4 24. Qxe4 Qc2 25. Qxc2 Nxc2+ 26. Kf1
Re8 27. d3 a5 28. Bb2 a4 29. Nc1 Re1+ 30. Kg2 Rxh1 31. Kxh1 a3 32. Bxd4 Bxd4
33. Kg2 Nb4
You can look up a related post in the archives for another example on how to attack the uncastled King which often requires some sacrifices. The game can be replayed in the Chess viewer below.
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