
Freezing Tactics

        Ferrero, Steve

Hrop, Stephen

Black to Move and Win

Black won the game but missed an amazing blow in this position that would have forced White to resign. 
Add 75 points to your current rating if you solve the position without any assistance from Fritz.


Freeze Your Buns Swiss Final Results

Mike Laverty defeated Steve Ferrero in their last round encounter to win the Freeze Your Buns Swiss. Steve Ferrero, Eric Mark, Tom Ostrosky ended up tie for 2nd place. Our next event is the Lincoln Quads on February 7.

Ho Ho Ho Tactics Solution

34...Bh3 35.Qd2 [35.Ne3 Ra1+ 36.Nfd1 Rxd1+ 37.Kf2 Qa6 38.Re1 Rxe1 39.Kxe1 Qa1+ 40.Ke2]
35...Ra1+ 36.Re1 Bxf2+ 37.Qxf2 Rxe1# 0–1