
Hackettstown Fall Chess Schedule

October 1-22 Spook 'em Swiss
4-SS. 30/90, SD/30.
Entry Fee: $12.
Prizes (b/16): $75/40/25, U1800 $25. Free Entry top U1500.
Reg.: 7 pm Oct 1. Rds.: 7:30 pm, each Monday. INFO:

Half-point byes available any round; last-round bye must be requested with entry

October 29 Quick Pro Quo Chess
One round each G/7, G/10, G/15, G/25
Entry Fee: $12.
Prizes (b/16): $75/40/25, U1800 $25.

Reg.: 7 pm Oct 29. Rds.: 7:30 pm, than ASAP. INFO: PRJoseph@Verizon.net

Nov 5-26 Turkey Free Swiss
4-SS 30/90, SD 30
Entry Fee: $12.
Prizes (b/16): $75/40/25, U1800 $25. Free Entry top U1500.
Reg.: 7 pm Nov 5.. Rds.: 7:30 pm, each Monday. INFO:

Half-point byes available any round; last-round bye must be requested with entry

Dec 3-17 Ho Ho Ho Quads
Quad 30/90, SD 30
Entry Fee: $12.
Prizes $35 top in quad.

Reg.: 7 pm Dec 3. Rds.: 7:30 pm, each Monday. INFO: PRJoseph@Verizon.net
Half-point byes available any round; last-round bye must be requested with entry

Solution to Tactics

1. Nd4!        exd4
2. Qc6     looks sufficient to me
. But Eric armed with Houdini found an escape for Black    
2  ...               Rd7!
I doubt Fritz ...  Qxc2+ 3. Qxc2 Rc8 4. Bc6  Rxc6  5. Qxc6 Rc8   6. Qxc8+ Kxc8 is really better.
3. Qxd7        Qe3+
4. Kb1          Qe7!


Back to school tactics


                                                                        Daudelin, Tim

Hill, Cameron
White to move

Find the best continuation for White in this game between our college-bound Chess club members Cameron Hill and Tim Daudelin.


Sept 10 - 24 Spam n Quads

 Our next event Spam n Quad starts on September 10. The club is closed as usual for a major Holiday on September 3.

Quad. 30/90, SD/30. Entry Fee: $12.
Prizes $35 top in quad

Registration: 7 pm Sept 10. Rds 7:30 pm each Monday. INFO: PRJoseph@Verizon.net
Half-point byes available any round; last-round bye must be requested..